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职业生涯 & 技术教育


欢迎来到职业与技术教育, where we empower you with diverse options to meet your career and workforce needs. Whether you're an individual looking to advance your skills or a business aiming to develop your team, 我们根据您的目标提供全面的资源和支持.

探索我们丰富职业生涯的各种服务, 为晋升做好准备, 并获得新的技能:

  • ​​职业培训: Prepare for high-wage, in​-demand careers with our specialized training 程序s. Gain technical, academic, and employability skills in as little as 3 to 12 months.

  • 学分 & 学位课程: Earn college credits and pursue an associate's degree to further your educational journey.

  • 公司培训: Customized training solutions to empower businesses in training and developing their teams effectively.

  • 证书课程: Fast-track your career with practical skills that enhance your resume and open new career paths, 所有这些都以可承受的成本进行.

  • 学徒: Experience hands-on career preparation through paid on-the-job training and related instruction.

  • 在线课程: 通过互联网方便地访问课程, 你可以在哪里跟踪你的进度, 与同伴交往, 和老师互动.

  • 社区项目: 旨在支持和授权个人追求职业生涯的服务.

职业和技术教育, 我们致力于你的成功, offering flexible learning opportunities and personalized support every step of the way. 今天加入我们,塑造你的未来!​





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  • 汽车维修10/01/24

    http://rcsj.augusoft.net/index.cfm?方法=班级名册.ClassListingDisplay&int_category_id = 1&int_sub_category_id = 8

    The Automotive Repair 程序 includes 5 separate classes and may be taken in any order and prepare students for ASE exams. 课程包括:汽车发动机维修(ASE A1), 汽车发动机性能(ASE a8), 汽车制动系统(ASE A5), Automotive Electrical Systems (ASE A6) and Automotive Suspension and Steering (ASE A 4).


  • 牙科行政24/05/24

    http://rcsj.augusoft.net/index.cfm?方法= ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id = 383&int_category_id = 0&int_sub_category_id = 0&int_catalog_id = 0

    This course will teach students the essential knowledge and skills necessary to manage the business aspects of a dental practice. 学生将学习沟通技巧, 会计程序, 保险索赔处理, 牙科的术语, 牙齿解剖, 病人调度, 库存管理, 以及牙科编码和程序. 完成课程后,学生 will be eligible to take the Certified 牙科 Office Assistant Certification exam.


  • 工业维修技术员:焊接9/16/24

    http://rcsj.augusoft.net/index.cfm?方法= ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id = 286&int_category_id = 1&int_sub_category_id = 7&int_catalog_id = 0

    维修焊接,学生 will adhere to welding safety rules; use an acetylene torch; explain welding theory, 设备, and selection process; prepare parts to be welding; use a SMAW Welder to make basic welds on flat stock; inspect welds; and use a plasma cutter to cut flat stock. 完成后,学生将参加NIMS维修焊接证书考试.


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    • 坎伯兰
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  • 医用大麻药房培训(9/23/24)

    http://rcsj.augusoft.net/index.cfm?方法= ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id = 446&int_category_id = 1&int_sub_category_id = 2&int_catalog_id = 0

    Whether you are looking to educate yourself or obtain the basic training you will need to work in a medical cannabis dispensary; this class will get you started. 专门为新泽西量身定做的, 这5-module,15小时的课程将教你关于人体内源性大麻素系统的知识, 栽培的基本知识和不同的栽培品种, an introduction to processing and different products available in New Jersey and elsewhere, and specifics of working in a New Jersey cannabis dispensary and how to assist NJ medical marijuana patients.


    • 威尼斯人注册
    • 坎伯兰
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  • 宠物急救2009年9月25日

    http://rcsj.augusoft.net/index.cfm?方法= ClassInfo.ClassInformation&int_class_id = 284&int_category_id = 1&int_sub_category_id = 12&int_catalog_id = 0

    本互动式课程将集中于宠物急救等主题, 动物心肺复苏, 准备和应对宠物紧急情况和一般宠物护理. 学习动物行为, “最佳实践”技巧,以及如何与你的动物一起计划和准备灾难. 兽医助理计划的必修课.



威尼斯人注册; 坎伯兰